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Il mio negozio



I will send you a kiss with the wind and I know you will feel it, you will turn around without seeing me but I will be there

Amaze the people who accompany your little boy or girl on a special day like their baptism (or confirmation) with this mini me portrait.

You can include as many subjects as you want in your portrait, even dogs, cats or goldfish!

The subjects will be reproduced in the way you indicate them, so feel free to give all the details you think are important (for example, "Mother Sara has blond hair and always has a beautiful smile", "Portray the mother with the baby in her arms"... ).

FREE DRAFT PREVIEW: once the order has been received, the illustrator will send you a draft of the drawing and if everything is as you wish it will proceed with printing. Alternatively, should there be any changes to the text, you can request them ONCE to facilitate the rapid completion of the work.

PHOTO LOADING : for the creation I need photos of the subjects. There can also be several different photos for each subject, it doesn't necessarily have to be a photo in which all the subjects to be created are present together... the important thing is that everyone's face can be seen clearly! If you have more images you can also send them via email to our customer service once the order has been placed.

Regular price €25,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €25,00 EUR
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